Dentist in Irvine CA

Ridge Preservation Irvine CA

When you need your tooth removed due to gum disease, injury, or decay, it is recommended to do so while preserving the surrounding bone structure. Tooth extraction can cause bone degeneration. Any bone remaining after the extraction beings to shrink almost immediately and gradually deteriorates over the months. Such shrinkage increases the risk of implant failure. This is where the ridge preservation procedure comes into the picture.

At Yanagi Dental, we can use ridge preservation to limit the amount of bone loss. So, what is Ridge augmentation or preservation in DENTAL IMPLANTS in Irvine, CA?

What is Ridge Preservation?

There are multiple ways of preserving the ridge during and after tooth removal. Dr. Dr. Jason Yamada, DDS will select the gentlest options for tooth extraction while ensuring as much preservation as possible. After tooth extraction bone graft material is added to the socket to prevent a collapse. This is followed by placing a barrier. The recovery follows the same path as that after a normal tooth extraction without using ridge augmentation.

The procedure focuses on preserving and growing jaw bone, enabling the placement of an implant later on. We use a minimally-invasive approach with every tooth extraction. This enables us to improve comfort and prevent potential bone loss. Whenever our patients require a dental implant, we suggest Ridge Preservation in Irvine, CA to create effective bone volume for implant placement in the future. An implant must be set in adequate volume of bone for long-term effectiveness.

Need for Dental Implants

While bone graft placement into the socket helps preserve the bone and prevent a collapse, it is not meant to last forever. Dental implants will be required to ensure jawbone preservation in the long run. It will be required to get implants 4 to 6 months after Ridge Preservation. This will not only help preserve the jawbone but can also restore functionality and aesthetics.

Benefits of Ridge Preservation

There are many reasons we recommend Ridge Preservation in Irvine, CA to our patients. This includes:
Your Dentist in Irvine, CA will further suggest ridge augmentation to preserve your natural-looking smile.

After completing his dental degree at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Dr. Yamada pursued further education and earned a postdoctoral degree in periodontics and a master’s degree in oral biology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. For more than 15 years, he served as an assistant clinical professor in the advanced graduate program in periodontics and implant surgery at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, and is also a guest lecturer at the USC School of Dentistry. Regarded as a highly respected periodontist, Dr. Yamada is deeply committed to providing exceptional care for his patients, whom he treats like his own family.

At Yanagi Dental, we know that every patient and their needs are different. Dental care is further different from other healthcare fields in that patients’ preferences and priorities also matter. So, we will also take your opinion into account when developing your customized treatment plan. Besides, we keep up with the latest procedures, research findings, and technologies in our field to ensure that our patients get the best treatment.