Dentist in Irvine CA

TENS in Irvine, CA

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is associated with jaw disorders and jaw imbalances and causes chronic pain in many patients, affecting the quality of life. If you have jaw pain and other relevant symptoms, it is important to seek treatment as early as possible to ensure treatment or better management of symptoms. At Yanagi Dental, we use neuromuscular dentistry to correct bite with the help of advanced technology to track jaw muscle activity and correct the position. We will then develop treatments to set the corrected position to permanent while eliminating the painful TMD symptoms. Transcutaneous electrical nerve (TENS) stimulation is one of the most common treatments we use to overcome the symptoms and the underlying cause of TMD.

What is TENS Treatment?

At Yanagi Dental, Dr. Glenn T. Yanagi, DDS can use a wide range of treatment options under neuromuscular dentistry to help treat TENS in Irvine, CA. So, what does this treatment process involve?

TENS falls under our treatment methodologies for JAW DISORDERS AND JAW IMBALANCES in Irvine, CA. It involves the use of a device. The process involves placing electrodes that stimulate the nerves and cause muscle contraction in a certain sequence. It helps eliminate the tension created by your TMJ disorder while encouraging the release of endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural systems that play an important role in blocking pain.

Some of the key aspects of the treatment are as follows:

TMJ can cause your jaws to habitually move into stress-causing positions. Our therapy for treating JAW DISORDERS AND JAW IMBALANCES in Irvine, CA focuses on finding the natural optimal position of your jaws. The jaws are usually unable to reach the resting position. TENS helps relax the muscles, allowing you to move your jaw in its natural position without following the acquired habit. This further allows our Dentist in Irvine, CA to determine the proper rest position, enabling us to create treatments to achieve long-term correction. This correction further helps in providing pain relief.

Benefits of Using TENS in Irvine, CA

The use of TENS in Irvine, CA goes beyond the treatment of TMD. The TENS device is also used by healthcare professionals to treat sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, and various other conditions. It involves a non-invasive procedure. This means you will be able to find pain relief from your oral and dental problems without requiring medication or surgery.

The only so-called side-effect you can feel with TENS in Irvine, CA is a prickling sensation. Besides, not every patient finds this sensation discomforting. Besides, this sensation will subside quickly. At Yanagi Dental, we have been providing dental care to our patients in Irvine, CA for over 15 years. Dr. Glenn Yanagi graduated from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry in 1990. We develop a customized treatment plan for each individual patient to help achieve optimal results specific to the patient’s dental history, current oral condition, needs, and preferences.