Dentist in Irvine CA

Dental Fillings Irvine CA

Tooth decay occurs when the tooth enamel breaks down. It is caused by bacteria and can lead to cavity formation. When food containing carbohydrates stays on the teeth for long, bacterial action causes acid production. The combination of bacteria, acid, food, and salvia leads to the build-up of plaque on your teeth. Gradually, the acid eats into the tooth enamel, causing cavities. Often, dental Fillings are required to fill up these cavities. At Yanagi Dental, we specialize in providing dental fillings for our practice of PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY in Irvine, CA.

What are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are used to restore a tooth after tooth decay or dental cavity. These are made of a single material or a combination of plastics, metals, glass, and other materials and are meant to repair or restore your teeth. They are most commonly used to fill up an area of a tooth removed by your dentist due to decay.

They are also used for repairing broken or cracked teeth that have been worn down due to tooth grinding or nail biting.

When are Children Likely to Develop Tooth Decay?

While all children are likely to develop tooth decay, some factors increase the chances in some. Such factors include:
Even less fluoride in your water supply can increase the chances of your children developing tooth decay.

Types of Dental Fillings

Some of the different material options for dental Fillings in Irvine, CA that we provide to our young patients include:

Preparing Your Child for Dental Filling

Even before you need tooth decay treatment for your child, it is important to get your child familiarized with a pediatric Dentist in Irvine, CA. When your child is already familiar with a dentist, your child will feel much more comfortable with their dental filling procedures. We, at Yanagi Dental, recommend following these tips when preparing your child for Fillings:
We also suggest being open with your kid and letting them know what they should expect during their dental Fillings in Irvine, CA. Dental Fillings are among the simplest procedures in PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY in Irvine, CA. At Yanagi Dental, our team is led by Dr. Glenn T. Yanagi, DDS, who has over 15 years of experience serving patients throughout the region. Besides taking the above-mentioned steps, you can remain assured that our staff will work closely with you to make your child feel comfortable during their dental procedure.