Our dental services in the area of JAW DISORDERS AND JAW IMBALANCES in Irvine, CA include Neuromuscular Balance Treatment (computer-aided) for TMD in Irvine, CA. This form of dentistry involves the use of modern technology for evaluating the function/dysfunction of the jaw. It is focused on creating the optimum bite and an attractive smile.
Neuromuscular Balance Treatment (computer-aided) for TMD not only helps achieve the smile of your dreams but can also help identify the source of your:
There are different types of muscles in your neck and face that play an important role in holding the jaw in place, controlling jaw movement, and allowing you to chew and swallow. Since this muscle movement takes place subconsciously, if your bite is off, strain will be produced on the muscles without your control. In other words, the muscles will have to work harder to do all the above-mentioned functions of holding and controlling the jaw, and enabling chewing and swallowing. This is what causes TMJ to get over-stressed and TMD to occur over time.
At Yanagi Dental, the goal of our department of JAW DISORDERS AND JAW IMBALANCES in Irvine, CA is to determine the natural position of your jaw and restore its optimal position. The use of Neuromuscular Balance Treatment (computer-aided) for TMD helps us achieve this. We rely on digital, state-of-the-art technology to help treat your Temporomandibular disorders.